Saturday, May 30, 2015

Location, Location, Location

In real estate school one of the many words I had to learn was 'situs' which is the physical location of the property. My memory trick was Situs, Situs, Situslike the most quoted real estate term ever, location, location, location.

There is a reason almost every adult American has said those three words - because absolutely nothing is more important in real estate. It is why people pay millions of dollars for tiny apartment in Manhattan or why you can buy a brand-new five bedroom house on the outskirts of Boise, Idaho for $250,000.

There is no escaping the real estate truth of location which brings me to our nearly perfect house from the other day. You remember the house. The one Yankee and I toured twice. The house my lender pre-qualified us for. The house we decided on Thursday night that we would make an offer on Friday morning. Yeah, that house.  Well one of the things that reduces the perfectness of that house is its Situs, Situs, Situs which is Morrisville.

Morrisville's slogan is The Heart of The Triangle, and geographically they are pretty much right on the money, but the heart of my personal version of the triangle is right where we live now. In my entire life, I have never lived anywhere that is as convenient as where I live now. Need to go to Target? 3 minutes. The airport? 15 minutes. College Girl's dorm? 22 minutes. Nordstrom's? 15 minutes. My office? 10 minutes. Having experienced that level of convenience, I hated the thought of adding just a few minutes to one of those drives.

That's why when I checked the listings one last time before bed on Thursday night, and I saw a single family home come up in our neighborhood, I jumped on it. I toured it at 8am Friday morning. Yankee had a trip and couldn't go, so I sent him some videos, then I wrote an offer. Hopefully we'll get the house, proving that saying one more time.

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