Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Sight Unseen

When our perfect house popped up on the MLS at 7pm, Yankee and I leashed up Tiny Terror and made the four minute trek to check it out. We gave as thorough a once over as we could without causing the neighbors to call 911 which means we basically admired it from the sidewalk. It looked good from there, and knowing it would go fast in this crazy Cary market, I made an appointment to see it first thing in the morning.  I toured it solo because Yankee had to go to work

It had our major criteria:
  1. It was in our budget
  2. Location, Location, Location
  3. Two master closets - It actually does not have two closets, but the 12 x 6 is just begging to be divided in  half
  4.  It was in good condition with very little cosmetic or repair work needed. 
While that was the good news,; the bad news was that it certainly fit the criteria of many other Triangle area house hunters. I dashed straight to the office, worked up the offer and submitted it that morning. 

But Cat, you forgot to tell us the part where you took Yankee to see it, he loved it too and then you made the offer.  It's not that I forgot to tell you about that step; it just did not happen.. That's right - Yankee agreed to by the most expensive thing he has ever purchased sight unseen. 

As confident as I was in this deal the listing agent was equally apprehensive. I understood her position, and if I were the listing agent in this deal I would be nervous too. But with the  combination of  Yankee's traveling schedule and the super competitive Triangle market, it was our only choice if we wanted a shot at the house. 

I am happy to say that ten days into the contract, Yankee has finally seen the inside of the house.  He agreed it's the perfect house for us. 

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