Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Not So New Girl

I am fairly new to the Triangle. It's been a long time since I was new anywhere. Before when I was new, all I had available to help me out was my good natural sense of direction and place. There were maps too, but I am very map challenged. Yankee can look at a map of the entire state of North Carolina and zone in on College Girl's dorm in a split second. I could search for hours and never find it, but I CAN  refold it perfectly which makes us a perfect pair.  A neatly folded map does not get you very far though, so luckily I now have Google Maps Lady to tell me where to go.

Even with her at my side, not being familiar with the area was sort of awkward, particularly since I'm in a business were knowing the area is very important.  For a while most of my conversations included 'where is that?' or 'I don't really know that area', and if I made plans to meet someone, I always let them choose the place because I didn't really know any places.

The other day, I think I crossed a big new resident milestone with one simple text. I was making plans with a friend, and I suggested we go to the new Starbucks next to the Verizon store. This was big not only in that I suggested the place, but also because the Starbucks and Verizon store are even newer than me. They were only a cleared lot when I moved here and now they are places to meet friends. I think that makes me if not an old timer, at least a not so new girl.

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